Sunday 21 October 2018

Year 10 Art: Mixed Media Artist and Photography

This week you need to...

Create a double page on a mixed media Artist adding a transcription, facts and opinions (take care of detail, presentation and don't forget to use the 'How to write about Artists' sheet)

Over Half Term...

Take photographs of Natural Forms (min 20 images). These should be of plants, landscapes, seascapes only (see example books for inspiration) Carefully consider composition and the quality of the photographs you are taking. These need to be printed over half term or in the first week back after half term to present in your sketchbook.

Extra.... take some portrait photographs, create some edits using phone apps or photoshop (if you edit make sure you have a version of the original image as well) 

10C: Monday 5th November
10D: Tuesday 6th November