Monday 23 March 2020

Year 11 Graphics: Update and Work List for week 23rd March onwards.

Morning Lovely Graphics Class....

I just wanted to give you an update and this weeks work.

AQA have not given us any further specific clarification (if any more information is given we will let you know). It is likely, that they will ask us to Level your coursework, and then include the exam work that you have been doing as part of you coursework, so for this reason it is really important that you continue this project the best you can (the circumstances will of course be taken into consideration).

As soon, as we get clarification of what's been decided, we will of course post a deadline for you to bring your exam work in, so please, please do what you can, as that would put you at a real advantage.

This weeks work is to complete another experimental board (you should have a minimum of two experimental boards with artist links). Please use the support powerpoint that Miss May has put on the Yr 11 ART section 'Experimenting'  of the BLOG. You also have the example booklet and Survival Guide, that was issued last week for lots of Graphics examples.We realise you may not be able to do all the experiments you wanted so just try to work with what you have and do not worry.

I will set up an Assignment area in our classroom, so that you can photograph and post the boards that you have completed, if you want me to help you with ideas.

Again, please to any experiments for ideas that you can.

Miss Emin has posted the Survival sheets and Lists on the Classroom as well, if you need copies.
Try and make sure that you are working to the Graphics Exam List that I gave you last week, and so far, this is what ideally you should have, but I know its tricky:

  • Mood Board of Ideas
  • Artist 1
  • Artist 2
  • 2 Boards of Photographs
  • 2 Boards of experimental drawings. (In any mediums that you like).
  • 2 boards of experiments - this is where we are at now!

Please use all of the help sheets that I have given you, and the A3 large feedback sheets in your folders have advice about writing abut your Artists and Photograph.

I will continue to post anymore information that I find out from the relevant Exam Boards.
I miss you all already...Keep going!
Miss F, Miss Emin, and Miss May