Thursday 5 March 2020

Year 10 Graphics: Work to be completed. City Scape Brief.

Just to say a massive 'Well done' for your behaviour on the Tate trip, you were a pleasure to have, and hopefully you enjoyed the day just as much as we did.

So... this is the work that you should now be work on for Assessment, and it will go into your A2 presentation Portfolio: There is lots to be getting on with now!

1: Please start PRINTING your photo shoots from the Tate Gallery trip. These can be in the form of contact sheets, regular size photo's and enlargements (Generally A4 in size). These can be in colour or in black and white. If you didn't come on the Tate trip, then please take some photograph's in St Albans or some interesting buildings.

2: Present your photographs on at least two boards to be displayed in your portfolio's. This can be a mixture of contact sheets, regular size photographs, and enlargements.

3: Print your favourite A4 in size and hand it to Miss Findlay as we will be using them for drawing work. DEADLINE TUESDAY 17TH MARCH as you will be using them in the lesson.

4: Complete your A2 'Inky skyline' using any of the techniques that we have showed you.

5: Complete a 'Process Board' for your Inky Skyline. This should include and colour samples and experiments that you did, links to other Artists work and even one of your skyline photographs if you took one on our Tate trip.

6: EXTRA MARKS: Present a board or boards titled 'Tate Gallery visit, and include any pictures that you took, or or postcards of Artists work on a board. You could do a small transcription if you want, and write about the Artists work, and why you find it interesting.