Monday 30 March 2020

Initial Ideas (or on the sheet I've given you it says 'Design Idea 1'

Graphics, by now, you would now be working on your 'Initial Ideas or you might want to call it Idea 1 as this is what Graphics called theirs last year, and I had originally put on your List sheet, but they are both the same thing)!' for what you might actually of done in the Exam.

Please take a look at the PowerPoint that Miss may has put on the BLOG for Art as she has put on a really good slide that might help with the content that should be included on your boards.

Obviously for more specific Graphics examples, I gave you the example sheets in the lesson, and the PowerPoint for those is posted on this blog as well. so please use that for examples. I have also included list of what should go on these boards on this as well.

Try and do what you can, so that we can mark it with all of your work, but we know it is difficult, but anything will help.

We hope that you are all still safe and well.