Thursday 6 June 2019

Year 10: Graphics Presentation of Mock Exam and Experimental Drawings

Task 1. Mount your Mock Exam Drawing onto an A2 board and stick a title and the original photo (if you have it), onto the board. For extra marks, you may choose to write a paragraph explaining your drawings.
Task 2: Continue to mount your 'Experimental Drawings' onto your boards. Remember, these boards should contain:

  • Your experimental drawings.
  • Samples
  • Title - Use pre-printed ones.
  • Images of the Artists that yo have been inspired by.
  • Explain how you completed your work and LINK it to your Artist.

Deadline: We have to submit your FINAL reports in the next few weeks. All of your Experimental Drawing Boards and your mounted Mock Exam Board MUST be put in your folder on
 Monday 17th June 2019