Sunday 23 June 2019

Year 10 Art: First 'Collections' Artist

Over the next two weeks....

1. Create at LEAST a double page on your first Collections Artist in your new sketchbook. Your Artist should clearly link to your chosen theme and you should use the 'How to write about Artists' sheet to describe the Artist, their work, your opinions and importantly how it links to your theme.

* To aim higher with this study use your own photograph and create your own Artwork in the style of your chosen Artist rather than simply copying the Artists work.

2. Research a second Artist that links to your theme (choose someone who works in a different media to your first Artist) Bring in images and facts on this Artist (if aiming higher you could take a photograph to work from as well). You are going to create a small Artist board for your second study.

10C: Monday 8th July
10D: Tuesday 9th July