Tuesday 28 February 2012

Year 11 GCSE this weeks work... Artist research

In your sketchbook you need to create at LEAST two double pages on two different artists relating to your chosen theme. On these pages you need to have the following:

1. Information about the Artist (in your own words)
2. Good quality images of their work
3. Your opinions of their work
4. A transcription of their work


You also need to start collecting things relating to your theme to do observational drawing. This may mean bringing in objects or taking your own photographs. Your observational drawings must be from primary sources so images from the internet DO NOT count.


11B- Wednesday 14th March

11C -Thursday 15th March

Sunday 26 February 2012

Year 10 and 11 extra sketchbook work!

Yayoi Kusama currently has an exhibition at the Tate Modern. This would be a great Artist for both Year Eleven's doing their Exam sketchbook or year Ten's studying Natural Forms. If you can get to the exhibition create a page in your sketchbook about the Artist. I have put the link to the Tate Modern website below.

Miss May's Year 10 GCSE and BTEC class.... this weeks work!

You should now have images to start creating your photoshop pages in your sketchbook. You need to have the following in your sketchbook...

1. A photoshop title page (this can be a single or a double page)

2. A page with your original photograph on it. On this page you should explain why you have chosen this particular photograph.

3. At least three filtered pictures with screen shot examples of how you created these effects. You need to create sketchbook pages that have these print outs, explanations and an Artist link. You need to find an Artist's work that uses a similar effect and print out examples of their work with opinions and explanations.



GCSE - Friday 16th March 

BTEC - Monday 26th March

(You must also have brought your canvas in by this date)

For higher grades you may want to create a page about David Hockney's current work and his use of technology with his ipad. This would link nicely to how you as an Artist are using technology in your own Art work by using photoshop.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Year 11 GCSE... this week's homework

In your new Exam sketchbooks you need to complete the following...

1. A title page: Ordinary and/or Extraordinary

2. A double page brain web

3. A smaller more specific web on your chosen theme

4. Artist research.. printed out to work on next week. You should use the powerpoint for ideas and you could also go on the Art Council website. This lets you search for Artists through different themes. Here is the web link... http://collection.britishcouncil.org/collection/theme/6

... for higher grades you may also want to do mood board in your sketchbook of images linking to your chosen theme.


-11B Wednesday 29th Feb

-11C Thursday 1st March

Sunday 19 February 2012

Miss May's Year 10 GCSE Class CHANGE FOR THIS WEEK

We will now be working on photoshop for your Thursday and Friday lesson this week in rm 66. For these two lessons please go straight to this room. Make sure you bring your Natural Form photograph on a memory stick with you to work from.

As this will mean you will not have any time to work on your pointillism paintings I will change your original deadline so please do not panic!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Year 11 Exam Power Point 'Ordinary and Extraordinary'

The power point is in two parts as it so large..lots of Artists and ideas to get you started!Exam part 1

View more PowerPoint from missfmay

Tuesday 14 February 2012

David Hockney Exhibition!

If you go to London this would be a great exhibition to visit.  It is on from 21st January - 9th April 2012. You do need to book and ages 12-18 is £4

Here is the Royal Academy website: http://www.royalacademy.org.uk/exhibitions/hockney

Here is an interesting link about Hockney's work. He has created images on the iphone and ipad. Have a look and think how you could use technology in your Art work.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

A2 Exam Power Point

A2 Schedule

AS Exam Power Point

AS Level Schedule

Art Exhibition List Feb 2012

Make sure before you go to any of the exhibitions mentioned that you check their websites for opening times, Also look in Time Out for reviews. If you are going away over half term or Easter check whats going on in the area you don’t want to miss any good exhibitions that may help your exam prep.
National Gallery- Leonardo da Vinci
National Portrait Gallery-Lucian Freud is known for his realistic portraits of characters ranging from benefits supervisor Sue Tilley to artists and performers, and even The Queen. Now the National Portrait Gallery is displaying more than 100 of Freud's portraits, covering seven decades of work, from the early 1940s until the artist's death in July 2011. 9 Feb-27 May
Courtauld Gallery - Piet Mondrian and Ben Nicholson until 20th May + Permanent collection
Saatchi Gallery- Gesamt Kunstwerk, New Art from Germany untill 30th April + Permanent collection
Victoria and Albert Museum- Rabindranath Tagor (Indian poet and painter) + extensive permanent collection of art, design and every type of artefact
Tate Britian- Picasso until 15th July + permanent collection
Tate Modern -Tacita Dean installation in the Turbine Hall.  Damien Hurst 5th April until 9th Sept + permanent collection
Royal Academy- David Hockney until 9th April + permanent collection
Design Museum- Christian Louboutin 28th March until 1st July. Terrance Conran The Way We Live Now until 4th March + permanent collection
White Cube Gallery, Hoxton Square- Gary Hume, Nikolas Gambaroff, Anslem Kiefer, until 26th Feb
Whitechapel Gallery- exhibition of a variety of artists
Welcome Trust, Euston Road London (medical research and arts centre) - Infinitas Gracias(Mexican Miracle Paintings), Reflex(installation), The Scale of Objects until 26th Feb
Somerset House. Gallery South Wing- Contemporary Graphic Art Fair, 22nd March until 1st April
Somerset House. Gallery East Wing- The Crisis Commission( Original work based on the theme of homelessness). Artists include Anthony Gormley, Tracy Emin, Anthony Caro, Yinka Shonibare, Gillian Wearing, Jonathan Yeo and Roberta Smith, Nathan Coley and Nika Neelova.
British Library-Royal Manuscripts; The Genius of Illumination. Royal Manuscripts is the first major exhibition of the British Library's collection of royal illuminated manuscripts. The display features more than 150 manuscripts collected by English kings and queens over 700 years, from the ninth to 16th centuries, dispelling the myth that these were the Dark Ages. Until 13 Mar
The Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge- The Fitzwilliam Museum houses world class collections of works of art and antiquities spanning centuries and civilisations.
Kettles Yard Cambridge- a beautiful and unique house with a distinctive collection of 20th century art, and a gallery exhibiting contemporary and modern art.
Cambridge Contemporary Arts- specialises in handmade prints, paintings, sculptures and crafts, the gallery is in the heart of the beautiful, historic University city. It has a reputation for an extensive range of high quality work and innovative exhibitions of local, national and international artists.British Museum Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam until 15th April.  Greyson Perry: The Unknown Craftsman until 26th Feb. Manga at the British Museum, drawn by Hoshino Yukinobu until 9th April. Kakioman Elephants

Sunday 5 February 2012

Year 10 GCSE Half Term Homework

Over half term take a photograph for the next part of your Natural Forms project. The image should be taken of objects such as.... fruit, vegetables, plants etc. Please do not take photographs of landscapes or people. 

You do not need to print the image but must save it on a memory stick. We will be using this image for photoshop work and a canvas painting so think carefully about what you photograph. You may want to take a number of images so you have a variety to choose from for your project.

Deadline: 20th Feb + 21st Feb 2012

Year 10 BTEC Miss Findlay's H/W

Present a single or a double page on complimentary colours and hot/cold colours. You should include the following:

- Explain what they are .... 
-Add little swatches to show the colours
-Include a picture of an Artist's work. For complimentary colours you could choose Van Gogh or Monet and for hot/cold colours you could look at Rothko

Deadline: Friday 24th Feb

Saturday 4 February 2012

Year 11 coursework list

All your coursework must in on the Monday 20th Feb... here's a list of everything you should have

Natural Forms Title Page

Colour Theory: Colour Wheel
                           Complimentary Colours
                           Cool and Warm Colours

Sections of Fruit: showing different colour combinations

Photoshop Title Page

Photoshop Techniques Pages (also link to Artists)

Painting Experiments

Gridding Up Page

Canvas Evaluation

Observational Drawing for Sculpture Project

Two Sculpture Artists

Two Ceramic Designs

Photographing you making your ceramics work

Evaluation of ceramics work

Collections: Title Page

Collections: Spider Diagram of Ideas

Collections: Chosen Area Spider Diagram

Collections: Graphical Artist Research Page

Collections: Observational Drawings

Collections: Collection of Photographs

Collections: How to – Mono printing techniques page, with examples

Title Page: Natural Forms Project

Spider Diagram: Full of ideas for Natural Forms

Observational Drawings of Natural Forms

Tate Gallery Title Page

At least 2 Artist Research Pages from the Tate Visit

Wax Resist Page

Artist Page: Henry Moore

Natural Forms Photographs

Natural Forms - Artist Research Board

Natural Forms - Wax Resist Shells

Natural Forms - 3 Panels: Collage, Mono Print, Painting

Natural Forms - Canvas

Natural Form Ceramics Piece

Collections Graphical Piece

Collections: A1 Collections Drawing (Mock Exam)

Collections: Mono Print

Friday 3 February 2012

Year 11 Printmaking Artists

For students who are aiming for high grades it would be useful do a page on a monoprinting Artist in your sketchbook.

Artists you could study are : Jim Dine, CY Twombly or Anna Wilson Patterson.

Remember you must write information in your own words and also add your opinions on the Artists work.